
Colvin is one of the most important Startups in the flower industry and Valentine’s Day is one of the most important date in this sector, because is the day to celebrate the love and for Colvin is the best opportunity to sell the best seller product fo the day, flower bouquets.


Senior Brand / Visual designer

In this case, we decided to do a TV spot because was a great opportunity to impact thousand of people and increase the traffic on our website.

More impacts = more traffic on our website = more opportunities to convert into sales. 

We decided to contact Full Circle Karma a Barcelona’s independent agency specialist in designing storytelling.

The objective was to make an amazing TV spot with “FCK” and design together a guideline campaign where the video assets were the axis of all communication.

In my case, I had the responsibility to design de Visual Design and the Motion graphics for Social Paid Ads.

Social Ads – Plan A.

We decided to design a first pack of emotional paid ads (in three lenguages, Spanish, German and Italian) using macro videos of the product and connecting them with the visual aesthetics of the spot so as not to lose the visual essence.

Social Ads – Plan B.

We carried out an A/B test with alternative assets in all markets in order to see what type of proposal was best received by the user and thus improve our effectiveness in future campaigns. In this case we design assets focused in user needs, product price and free delivery.

We divide the target between men and women to be able to measure the response of each gender in a more efficient way. (First man,


Proposal B was a 30% much more effective. Being proposal A more visually and emotionally attractive, we deduce that the user interacted more with a communication much more focused on his needs than on the emotions of the product.

The user liked a communication that was more focused on solving a problem easily, with good value for money and with good delivery conditions.

From that moment we apply this result to future Social Paid communications and we manage to increase the user’s response rate, thus helping to improve the conversion rate.

Andreu Robusté © Copyright 2022